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"I like how you can drop in smileys from other sources."
Barb D, Maryland

"I researched many many websites for smileys and found the GetSmile smileys to be just what I needed. :-) Thank You!" Shirley B, Texas

"I absolutely love the program and it is a great tool to use the Smileys in my ads for selling on the internet. I love to use them in forums and email but the most use I get is in my ads. The motion ones draws more attention to my ads and I love that!"

"GetSmile is a big help when you wish to make a «point» or smooth ruffled feathers in a relationship or just plain wanna have fun!! Easy to use and appreciated!"
Marie Porter,
Washington State

"GetSmile allows me to put a little of my personality into my emails. I love the program because it is easy to use and is free of ads and spyware. I anxiously await each new update or new smile collection!"
Sam C., Austin, Texas

"I enjoy inserting smilies in the message board I post on because words don’t show expressions. It helps my meanings come across as intended."
Sherrie B, Frisco, TX.

"I like get smiles and use them often in emails & forums. I like the fact they don’t come with additional software."
LJC Arizona

"I love your smileys! I am addicted to them for all my personal e-mail. They make excellent impromptu occasion emails and can be artistically arranged for optimum effect! I highly recommend them to others whenever I can."
April Y-J League City , TX