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"Love GetSmile. Great MSN smileys, new ones added often and most important of all, it is free of evil SPYWARE like the freebie smiley programs have."

"GetSmile has made all my friends happy to hear from me. They are now writing back with thier own GetSmile programs. This makes me happy to hear from them as well. We just can’t find the down side to having it in our computers. It makes saying hello just a little more fun."
AC Phantom,
Oklahoma, USA

"I like the updates, I always look forward to those. I like the versatility of GETSMILE because I can add new MSN Emoticons or create new fields. Nice that there isn’t a problem with room to add more smiles."
Carol M.

"GetSmile is great! I am able to post them on forums and emails with just one click and no annoying ads popping up!"
Reese, Georgia

"GetSmile is the most fantastic smiley program I have ever had on my computer. Not only does it come with the best collection of MSN Emoticons, it has the ability to store my own collected smilies and quotes. Thanks!"
Gloria Harrod

"i love get smiles, i used it every time I e-mailed my son in Iraq. He said it made him smile and laugh so I bought it after the free trial just for him. I love it and even though my son is back I still use it."
Liz Barton page AZ

"GetSmile has a wide range of smilies that convey more range of emotion. I also like the «drag & drop» function that allows me to copy other smileys to my Clipboard."
M. Butler, Virginia