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"I enjoy the get smiles to add some fun and expressions to my emails....there cute and all aspects are easy to use even if your new to the computer age. I love my smilies "

"Cute and fun, I like ‘em alot."
Marie B marion, In

"I like the variety and graphics of the smileys. for those willing to pay and dont want another search engine and other adware this is the smiley program to get."
Randy V, Sacramento, CA, USA

"I use smileys because it makes my email more interesting and colorful. The tech support is great, and very fast to answer problems"

"Love the program to organize MSN Smileys. I have a large collections of older MSN Emoticons saved in my GetSmile program and find it is the easiest way to keep them categorized and to find what you want without wasting lots of time searching through a wasteland of MSN Emoticons. It is simple to make your own catagories and organize everything just like you want it."
Gina, USA

"I love GetSmile! The smilies are so cute and the program is so easy to use."
Saundra Batson, Missouri

"Thanks for all your hard work in making such a fun program! I was really impressed with your help when I replaced my old computer and needed to install GetSmile on the new one. You patiently and promptly answered all my questions I had about how get it going again."
Dianne, Arkansas

"Everyone in the forums I post GetSmile to just love the little guy and say he is soooo cute!!!"
Glenda H